Scientific research dedicated to the study of pathological relational abuse
I am a doctoral researcher and as you may have guessed, my research interest is in supporting the recovery of victims who have been in relationships with Partners/Persons Displaying Psychopathic Traits (PDPT).
My research to date has received enquiries and attention from around the world, which highlights the prevalence of this ill-defined, insidious abuse and the urgency with which it needs to be understood. Indeed, lack of support or professional understanding and being misunderstood and disbelieved in society was a primary finding when researching the recovery process of survivors of PDPT abuse. Receiving an accurate definition, language with which to communicate their experience and supportive acknowledgement was key to the first stages of recovery. Once professionally understood and treated positive clinical outcomes followed.
I am currently working on a publication which will be a complete guide to understanding the dynamics, symptoms and recovery process from PDPT abuse. My aim is to inform psychotherapeutic professionals and victims alike and to disseminate cogent, scientifically researched knowledge that supports recovery.
“I align myself with proven experts in the field and encourage professional collaboration to ensure ongoing research and evidence-based knowledge that supports victim recovery.”
— Jayne Dales-Tibbott
“To truly question something is to interrogate something from the heart of our existence, from the centre of our being.”