Professional training in pathological relationships


Until recently, little has been understood about the Insidious Relational Harm (IRA) that goes undetected in millions of relationships by Partners/Persons who Display Psychopathic Traits (PDPT’s). These traits include superficial charm, lying and deceit, lack of remorse or guilt, and emotional control and manipulation. The consequential harm inflicted upon its victims is psychologically severe. Symptoms include cognitive dissonance, PTSD, paranoia and distorted sense of self.

This is often not the presenting issue in therapy and the disguised nature of the perpetrator (often seen as the saviour), together with lack of professional awareness that such a damaging relational phenomenon exists, compounds confusion and results in mis-diagnosis or even inadvertent re-abuse of the client.

This phenomenon has received little or no attention within the psychotherapeutic world and helping professions. Recovery is often long and complex and once understood, positive healing outcomes are achieved.

I offer scientifically evidenced, cogently researched training to professionals, after which you will be invited to join a newly forming network of UK based practitioners and organisations who can understand and professionally support victims of abuse from Partners/Persons Displaying Psychopathic Traits (PDPT’s).

I offer half-day, one day and two-day training to individuals, groups and organisations.